Tommy McCarthy
Team Owner & Driver
Racing for the last 18 years and winning over 600 races, Tommy created the Tommy McCarthy Racing team to scale performance from amateur to professional racing.

David Schatorie Chiang
Co-General Manager
Business Development & Social Media
After attaining his degree in finance & international business, David contributed in the rise of Tommy McCarthy Racing & has been working on day-to-day operations, business development, and social media.

Antonio Levaggi
TMR Mechanic
Antonio has many years of mechanical experience and working on race cars. He has an undeniable passion for cars and mechanics and is currently finishing his BS in mechanical engineering.

Frankie Hesse
TMR Mechanic
Frankie, our indispensable mechanic, dedicated to keeping race cars finely tuned and track ready. With unwavering commitment, he ensures every minute counts, sparing no effort to guarantee as much seat time as possible.

Ed Medlin
Business & Legal Consultant
Ed is a business consultant, retired from 35 years of executive roles in the legal, technology, and racing suspension industries, including Fox Racing Shox and RockShox.

Stay in Touch
(650) 669-9469
45950 Hotchkiss St
Fremont, CA 94539
United States